Brief overview
- Formation of a human-centered model of public administration
- Innovative model of public service
- The way of thinking, methods and tools to stimulate innovation
- Methods of generating ideas: practical tools
- Development of criteria and evaluation of ideas. Customer journey map: visualization of the user’s current and future path.
- Prototyping
- The CPS framework is CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING. Criteria for the selection of dominant ideas
- Service design as a human-centered approach to creating an optimal user experience
- Practical use of design thinking: empathy. Formation of a “persona”. Point of view (pov) – the ability to correctly understand what we are solving
- Collecting feedback after the pilot launch of the innovation
- Case analysis
Dates: January 25-27
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- Challenges and difficulties faced by women managers in a managerial position
- Features of the formation and manifestation of women’s leadership qualities in the process of building a vertical career model
- Women in Leadership: Maintaining a work-life balance
- Tools and technologies for the development of leadership competencies of women managers in the civil service
- Influence strategies in the team and organization
- Overcoming internal barriers to career and professional development
- Working with the principles of profitability
- Case analysis
Dates: February 8-10
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- Risk management: an overview of the basic concepts. Project risks
- Identification and classification of risks
- Risk assessment
- Risk management strategies
- Risk management plan
- Risk management system in the organization
- Recommendations for a risk manager
- Case analysis
Dates: March 15-17
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- Introduction to Cost-Benefit Analysis in the public sector. Method of public policy analysis
- Theoretical and practical overview of Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Qualitative analysis of the public expenditure project
- Quantitative analysis of the public expenditure project
- General principles of cost-benefit analysis. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of investments. General criteria for the implementation of the public expenditure project
- Digital skills
- Working with dataCase analysis
Dates: April 5-7
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- The concept of organizational culture
- Approaches to building organizational culture
- The role of managers in managing organizational culture
- Organizational culture in the public sector
- Value orientations of organizational culture
- Express assessment of the level of organizational culture
- Practical tools for creating a working organizational culture
- Organizational culture and employee motivation
- Case analysis.
Dates: April 12 – 14
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- Digital transformation within the framework of the national project “Technological Breakthrough through digitalization, science and innovation”
- Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of digitalization
- Business process reengineering
- Implementation of the Data Driven Government concept
- Working with big data and cloud technologies
- Information and cybersecurity
- Practical tools for effective work within the framework of digital transformation and digitalization projects
- Case analysis
Dates: April 19-21
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- Local interethnic conflicts, subject, role and principles of mediation
- Practical technologies for the prevention and settlement of interethnic conflicts
- Algorithm of actions in the event of a tense situation in the field of interethnic conflicts
- Forms and methods of joint work of local government and self-government bodies with law enforcement agencies and the civil community
- Case analysis
Dates: April 26-28
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- Crisis management (forecasting reputational risks, algorithms for responding to information attacks, psychology of the modern public and methods of its management (online and offline)
- Creating anti-crisis scenarios
- Development of critical thinking when working with information
- Fact checking and verification of information
- Effective communication in social networks
- State PR – system errors and measures to correct them
- Copywriting
Dates: May 24-26
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- Foresight models for determining the future prospects of public administration
- Horizon scanning
- Method of integrated scenarios and causal analysis (CausalLayeredAnalysis (CLA))
- Development of “interventions” in the context of scenarios
- Application of scenario planning technology in public administration
- Case analysis
Dates: September 13-15
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- spatial economics
- methods and tools for analyzing regional policy
- features of the development of the economy of cities and regions
- the development of regional state policy for planning territorial development
- the formation of regional policy
- new approaches to the territorial development of the countryCase analysis
Dates: October 4-6
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- The difference between Operational and Strategic HR Management
- Strategic HR planning. 3 levels of strategic development of human resources
- Corporate culture and change management
- Performance management
- Managing the “reward”
- Modern trends in the field of personnel training and development.
- Key concepts and approaches
- Development of a strategy for training and development, diagnosis of training needs. Learning process design, planning and organization
- Talent Management
- Integrated personnel management information system
- “E-kyzmet”Case analysis.
Dates: October 11-13
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- Basic concepts of financial management
- Budgeting as a management technology: goals and objectives
- Forecasting and budgeting. Results-based budget planning
- Methods of planning and forecasting income and costs
- Formation of the financial structure and budget model of the organization
- Financial statements
- Case analysis
Dates: November 8-10
Duration: 24 acad hours
Семинарға шолу:
- principles of time management
- practical tools for managing priorities in professional activity
- effective organization of working time of a civil servant
- time management in stressful situations
- stress management and development of emotional intelligence
- Case analysis
Dates: February 1-3
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- legislative novelties on combating corruption
- legal basis of anti-corruption compliance
- methodological recommendations on the organization of anti-corruption compliance
- formation of anti-corruption culture in the organization
- anti-corruption restrictions
- analysis of corruption risks
- sources of information for internal analysis of corruption risks
- conflict of interests
- Case analysis
Dates: February 15-17
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- Implementation of project management in the public sector
- International experience. Project Management Standards
- National standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan ISO 21500-2014
- Project management levels: project, program, portfolio
- Overview of project management concepts and their interrelation
- People and processes. Competencies of the project manager
- Project limitations. Processes. Process groups
- The matrix. Subject groups
- Main inputs and outputs. Documentation
- Case analysis
Dates: February 21-25
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- Effective communication strategies. Features of business communication
- Communication barriers and ways to overcome them
- Stages of the communication process. Establishing contact
- Personality types and their psychological characteristics
- Rules and techniques for working with information
- Effective argumentation skills
- Difficulties in communication. Dealing with aggression and negativity
- Case analysis
Dates: March 1-3
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- structure of strategic thinking: system model of the organization and management
- process principles of strategic thinking
- development summary of strategic thinking
- development techniques of strategic thinking: development of creativity, ability to create unique solutions
- development of speed and flexibility of thinking
- transition from strategic thinking to planning
- stages of the creative process of forming innovative solutions
- practical tools for identifying problems and forming a common point of view
- organizational practices development of creativity and exchange of new ideas
- Case analysis
Dates: May 17-19
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- Ensuring compliance with legislation in the field of public services
- Assessment of the quality of public services
- Quality management of public services
- Determination of the level of satisfaction of consumers of services
- Improving the quality of public services
- Proactive approach in the provision of public services
- People orientation in the provision of public services
- Case analysis
Dates: May 31 – June 2
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- Communication management for a civil servant
- Communication management. Three whales of public speaking from skill to skill. Speech technique Parameters
- Effective communication and personality typology
- Communication barriers and ways to overcome them
- Anti-crisis communications. Techniques and techniques. The impact of the crisis on reputation
- Crisis situations as a point of growth
- Working with New Media and Social Media in crisis: essence, principles, practical recommendations
- Formation of public opinion: modern methods of working with civil society
- Case analysis
Dates: June 14-16
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- Key steps and principles of data analysis
- The procedure for working with information. Description and preliminary data analysis
- Approaches and tools for visualization and data processing
- Visualization of source data. Analysis of graphs and diagrams
- Familiarity and practice with the visualization tool (Power BI, Stata, SPSS, etc.)
- Building simple management models using BI solutions
- The concept, properties, characteristics and classification of Big Data.
- Application of Big Data in national statistical practice
- Possibilities of using satellite technologies in national statistical practice
- Overview of the use of satellite technologies in international statistical practice: statistical branches, methodological materials, examples of publications, information exchange system, regulatory framework
- Analytical methods and tools for working with data arrays in the process of data editing, etc.
Dates: June 28-29
Duration: 16 acad hours
Brief overview
- Working with information sources (reading data from tables, graphs and diagrams)
- Modern methods and approaches of data analysis Data
- visualization (Excel, Power BI, etc.)
- Forecasting based on analysis (Data Driven Decision Making)
- Development and search for alternative solutions based on data
- Case analysis
Dates: September 20-21
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- The system of state planning of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The role and place of national projects
- Practical application of project management tools in the implementation of national projects
- Flexible management technologies (Agile, SCRUM and Kanban)
- Using design thinking tools in the implementation of national projects
- Digital skills development (working on the Easy Project platform)
- Case analysis
Dates: September 27-29
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- Development of innovative thinking. Introduction of innovations in government agencies. Barriers to innovation
- Fundamentals and stages of design thinking.
- Methods and tools of design thinking to stimulate innovation and generate new ideas
- Emotional intelligence. Types of emotions
- Understanding and analyzing the causes of emotions
- Emotional Thermometer
- Magic “buttons” in negotiations
- Emotion Management
- Empathy: the power of empathy and the key to better relationships, etc.
Dates: October 18-20
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- the main aspects and principles of the concept of a “hearing state”. The “Hearing state” is a continuous dialogue between the state and society
- effective communication and personality typology
- communication management. Three giants of public speaking: from skill to skill. Parameters of speech technology
- communication barriers and methods of overcoming them
- working with New Media and Social Media: essence, principles, practical recommendations
- formation of public opinion: modern approaches to working with civil society
- Case analysis
Dates: October 25-27
Duration: 24 acad hours
Brief overview
- features of the official style and its norms
- skills of official correspondence and drafting
- requirements for public speaking
- features inherent in the national communicative culture
- speech style and image
- Case analysis
Dates: November 1-3
Duration: 24 acad hours