National school of public policy


        The National School of Public Policy (hereinafter referred to as the NSHGP) is a structural unit of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Academy), which trains specialists in educational programs of the magistracy.

        The mission of the NSGP is to train managers (top managers) designed to serve society in good faith, effectively implementing public policy.

        Vision is a recognized international professional school of public policy, ahead of the challenges of time.

        The objective of the NSGP is to become a forge of managers of the state, quasi-state and private sectors, based on the synthesis of national features and the best world practices that can bring Kazakhstan to the number of thirty developed countries of the world.

        The tasks and functions of the NSGP are to train highly professional personnel in the specialties that determine the profile of the NSGP, based on the current and long-term needs of public administration; development of research potential of NSGP employees; development of cooperation with leading Kazakh and world educational and research centers.

         In accordance with the assigned tasks, the NSGP performs the following functions:

  • participation in the organization of the selection of applicants for admission to the Academy;
  • organization of the educational process in the educational programs of the master’s degree;
  • introduction of interactive and innovative teaching technologies in the educational process;
  • organization and conduct of applied research, including with domestic and foreign organizations;
  • participation in the research activities of the structural divisions of the Academy and assistance in the development of the expert network.
  • development of cooperation with state bodies, Kazakh and foreign higher educational institutions.
Academic unit

Masters degree

Scientific internship

The main foreign and domestic partners of the National School of Public Policy are the School of Citizenship and Public Relations of Syracuse University in Syracuse, USA), Mikolas Romeris University (Vilnius, Lithuania), Corvinus University of Budapest (Budapest, Hungary), the Regional Hub in the Field of Public Service, the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Institute for Applied Ethno-Political Studies, central and local executive bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Industrial practice

Practice is a mandatory component of the Master’s program. Depending on the duration of study (1 year or 1.5 years of master’s degree), the student performs an internship in accordance with the Academic calendar.

According to paragraph 9.2. of the Academic Policy of the National Academy of Sciences under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the undergraduate’s industrial practice takes place in government agencies, NGOs, quasi-public sector organizations, etc. The content of the practice is determined by the topic of the master’s project.

The industrial practice of undergraduates is carried out in order to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained in the learning process, acquiring practical skills, competencies and professional experience in the Master’s degree program being taught, as well as the development of best practices. The content of the work practice is determined by the topic of the master’s project.

Undergraduate student Amrin Darkhan EMРA 2023 (winter reception) in industrial practice 04.03-03/15/24 in the Department of Agriculture of the North Kazakhstan region.

Master’s student Kushkinbayeva Zhanar EMRA 2023 (winter reception) in industrial practice 04/03-03/15/24 in the Health Department of the Kyzylorda region. Municipal state enterprise on the right of economic management “Kyzylorda regional ambulance station”.

Master’s student Myrzabekov Zhomart EMRA 2023 (winter reception) in industrial practice 04/03-03/15/24 in the Department of Passenger Transport and Highways of the Turkestan region

The National School of Public Policy (hereinafter referred to as the National School of Public Policy) was established by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 28, 2008 as a structural unit of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. NSHGP is a school for professional training of highly qualified and competent managerial personnel for the state apparatus of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Classes in the NSGP are conducted by leading foreign and Kazakhstani experts, practitioners in the field of public administration and public service.

Training is carried out according to the following educational programs of the master’s degree:

  • “Public Administration – MРA,” with a separation from production, with a training period of 1 year. The master’s program “Public Administration – MРA” is intended for professionals aimed at developing skills and knowledge in the field of public administration for effective work in various managerial positions in the state, quasi-state and business sectors of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • “Public Administration – Executive MРA,” with combination with the main production activity (modular training format), with a training period of 1 year. The master’s program “Public Administration – Executive MРA” on the principle of modular training and with a format of training in the evening and weekends is intended for managers who intend to improve their professional competencies and skills in the field of public administration in order to apply them for the benefit of the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • «State Policy – MРР», with a separation from production, with a training period of 1.5 years. The program is aimed at training civil servants with the competencies of forming, implementing, analyzing and evaluating state policy, as well as making competent political and management decisions in various political situations.

The advantages of training in NSGP:

  • development of innovative, analytical and managerial abilities in the educational process;
  • the possibility of an internship at the international partner university Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University (United States of America), if there is a certificate confirming the appropriate level of a foreign language;
  • the possibility of passing production practice in various state bodies, quasi-state organizations, as well as scientific internships in leading scientific and educational institutions and research centers of the country;
  • the development of social networking, interaction with the first leaders from various ministries and departments, peer learning;
  • teaching in state, Russian, English;
  • the possibility of combining training and professional activities.

Disciplines taught:

  • National Model of Public Administration
  • Public Policy Analysis
  • Organizational culture and ethics
  • Strategic Management and Leadership
  • Project Management
  • Conflict Management
  • Study Methods and Design
  • Social policy
  • Public participation in decision-making

Within the framework of “Damu kүnі,” a meeting was held with the head of the Senate Apparatus Spotkai Maxim Alexandrovich.

The English club was organized by master’s student Kuanov Baglan MРA23  

Visiting lecture in 19.01.24 in the Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the ЕMРA23 group.

Visiting lecture in 19.01.24 in the Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the ЕMРA23 group.

Guest lecture with d.e.s, statesman and public figure Aituganov Kairat Kaparovich.

Internship of Professor Kosherbayev D.B. and Professor Davletbaeva J.J. at Syracuse University, Syracuse, USA under the Bolashak program.


  • The faculty of the National School of State Policy actively participate in applied research projects of various formats, as well as:

    • participation in research projects, international grants, grants of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
    • publication in publications recommended by the CCSON committee, in international peer-reviewed journals included in the Scopus database, which are included in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quartiles according to Clarivate Analytics Journal Citation Reports;
    • publication of monographs;
    • participation in scientific and practical conferences and seminars.

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