To create and promote analytical products for making effective decisions in the field of public administration, public service, state and anti-corruption policy and ethics.
A research platform that proactively responds to the challenges of a changing world.
To position the Academy as a leading national center for the development of expert solutions, as well as a strategic international partner in the field of public administration and public policy.
Institute for Applied Research is an ideological leader in building research activities and international cooperation of the Academy, attracting experts from various scientific fields.
As part of the implementation of the Strategy of the Academy, Institute conducts research activities in the following areas:
- Methodology, technologies and development and change management methods in the field of state planning
- Appropriate quality of public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan: requirements of the XXI century and implementation models
- Instruments of participation, feedback and protection of the interests of citizens and business in public administration
- Decentralization of public administration system
- Project management and agile management technologies in public administration
- Innovative management technologies
- Development of tools and anticorruption mechanisms in public administration
- Public administration in the field of information technologies development
- Organizational management/Organizational behavior
- Ethics of the civil servants of Kazakhstan / Culture of integrity of civil servants of Kazakhstan
- Upgrading the quality of personnel in public administration and improving the organization of their work
- Improvement of assessment system of civil servants performance
- Client-based public services delivery
territorial economy
- Economy of the public sector of Kazakhstan
- State regulation of financial markets and investment activities
- Innovations in economics
- Economic development in new realities (2nd priority of the President’s Address to the People of Kazakhstan)
- City management
- Local government and autonomy
- Balanced territorial development (3d priority of the President’s Address to the People of Kazakhstan)
- Migration policy
- Bilateral relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with foreign countries (in all areas of international cooperation of Kazakhstan, including trade and economic, energy, military-technical, security etc.)
- Global and regional processes in modern international relations: the role and place of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Foreign policy strategies of the main international actors in relation to Kazakhstan
- International legal aspects of the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- National security problems of Kazakhstan in terms of external factors. Cooperation of Kazakhstan in the fight against security challenges and threats
- Integration processes in the Eurasian space
- Bilateral and multilateral cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the development of the export-import potential of the country’s regions, their integration ties and foreign economic interaction, innovation infrastructure, investment attraction, tourism and social sector development etc.
For a full view of the expert profile in PDF format, click on the icon with the expert’s full name. The database is updated every 6 months and forms a pool of experts to attract to the research work of the Academy in the areas of activity. All icons in the document are active and redirected to the official Academy pages on social networks.

Diplomatic rang: 1 secretary of the 2 class
Certificate of SIMOURG company "Basics of formalization, analysis and optimization of business processes"