Center for Educational Policy

Educational Policy Center (hereinafter – center) is a division of Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – Academy).
The Center maintains its activity in accordance with the Strategy of Academy.
Center mission – high quality education through the partnership

The educational process is organized in the information system «ICademium», developed by order of the Academy for digitalization and automation of educational activities.

«Icademium» is a digital platform that allows to automate and integrate all processes of educational activity: planning, organization and management of educational process, accounting, storage, processing and uploading of reports, personal offices of students and teachers for full involvement in the educational process through digital management.

The Academy observes ethical research standards and academic honesty in educational activities. For this purpose, we use a service to detect plagiarism of all written works, as well as master’s projects (research) and doctoral dissertations – StrikePlagiarism, where each student and faculty can perform checks through personal access in unlimited quantities.

Center goals:
– Developing educational policies based on projected needs
– Developing the culture of academic and research ethics
– Organization and realization the procedures of forming base of students
– Monitoring, assessment and developing the quality of education n accordance with the rules of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the education field, employers’ requirements and leading global trends
– Audit of education process (students moving and statistics as well)
– Formalizing and contributing the activity of corporate management in education
– Stimulating the implementation of innovations in education field
– Methodological support of the development of education courses



On the initiative of the Academy of Public Administration on February 23, 2023, a consortium consisting of 31 Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established to improve the quality of educational and scientific block, exchange of experience, academic exchange of specialists, holding joint seminars on educational programs “Public Administration”, “State and Local Governance”, “Human Resource Management”.



According to paragraph 11 of the Academic Policy on Postgraduate Education Programs (Master’s, Doctoral) of the Academy each Master’s and Doctoral student undergoes a scientific internship in a mandatory manner, which allows students to learn the necessary experience and gain knowledge applicable in the future for substantive research in their master’s projects (research) and doctoral dissertations.

Internship bases are updated annually, based on the needs of the Academy students, as well as global trends.

Мы рады представить наших стратегических партнеров, среди которых зарубежные и казахстанские организации и исследовательские институты:

Dual Diploma/Academic Mobility

The Academy offers the opportunity to study in the format of a double diploma, as well as to study in foreign universities on academic mobility in accordance with joint programs with the following universities:

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