National School of Public Policy

     The National School of Public Policy (hereinafter – NSPP) was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 28, 2008 as a structural subdivision of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

     The NSPP is a professional training school that aims to provide highly qualified and competent personnel for the processes of political and managerial decision-making and promotion of government reforms.

     On the basis of NSPP prepare managers of a new formation for the civil service, quasi-public sector and business under the following educational programs:

  • «Public Administration – MPA», with a break from production, with a period of study of 1 year;
  • «Public Administration – Executive MPA», combined with the main production activities (modular format of training), with a period of study of 1 year;
  • «Public Administration – EMPA», combined with the main industrial activity (evening/weekend format of training), with the period of training of 1.5 years.

     In the period from 2009 to 2022 more than 300 master’s and doctoral students graduated from NSPP.


Marta Abdykalikova
+7 (7172) 75 30 04

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