About professional development

Upgrade qualification of civil servants is training seminars to improve their competencies

The advanced training of civil servants is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan” dated November 23, 2015 No. 416-V and the Rules for the training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 15, 2018 Number 125.

Duration of upgrade training is 8 to 80 academic hours.

An official of a state body, subordinated to the civil servant being sent for training, decides on sending a civil servant for retraining.

Groups recruitment of participants is carried out based on the application form.

The application form is accepted through the Integrated information system “E-kyzmet“ (hereinafter IIS “E-kyzmet”).

If the state body is not connected to the IIS E-kyzmet, the scanned version of the application form is sent by e-mail.


Acceptance of applications for budget retraining courses is carried out according to the voucher.

Start of accepting applications for training: 30 days before the start of the course.

End of application for training: 5 days before the start of the course, or when the group is fully completed

(in accordance to the training plan).


Сivil servants, diplomatic service staff, workers, law enforcement officers, military personnel, civil servants, employees of state institutions, enterprises, legal entities with state participation, as well as those interacting with government agencies can take part in training at the Academy of public administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Professional development is carried out on a contractual basis on the topics and dates specified in the schedule.

Acceptance of applications for contractual seminars is carried out according to the request of the state body, civil servants, as well as other persons and the concluded agreement.

The contract for training is concluded through the public procurement portal, as well as in paper form.

** The duration, topics of seminars and content of programs can be expanded according to individual requests of state bodies/organizations.

*** The dates specified in the calendar may change depending on the number of groups and according to individual requests from government agencies/organizations.

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