Education: Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR
Taught courses and disciplines:
- Modern problems of international relations and foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Contemporary international relations and foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Specialized course on the research study 1
Professional interests: contemporary international relations, the art of negotiation
Scientific publications:
- Selected articles, speeches, and interviews. Astana, 2013. – 520 p.
- State policy. Textbook (in collaboration). Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan, 2012
- Қазақстан Республикасының сыртқы саясаты / Textbook.- Almaty, 2012.- p. 468.
- Kazakh-European Strategic Partnership: the Baltic Dimension. Credo new. Theoretical Journal. (Saint Petersburg). – 2012. -№ 2 (70) .- 150-161
- On the state and peculiarities of the training of highly – qualified diplomats in the Republic of Kazakshtan. International Conference on European Science and Technology. 2012
- On the status and pecularities of training of highly qualified diplomats of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Russian lang., Kazakh and English languages). Bulletin of diplomacy. The publication of MFA of RK, Almaty 2 (35), 2012
- Preparation of national diplomatic personnel within the integration processes. Proceedings of the Second International Conference “20 Years of Independence: the quality and prospects of development of the human capital of Kazakhstan” Astana, the Higher Party School of PDP “Nur Otan”, September 6, 2011, the Palace of Independence.
- The Technique of negotiating // Training handbook.- Astana: Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2011.
- Қазақстан Республикасының Тұнғыш Президенті Нұрсултан Назарбаевтың тәуелгіз мемлекетті қалыптастыру және дамытудағы тарихы рөлі. Қорамдық-саяси және ғылыми –көпшілік журналы «Мирас», 4(20) /2011 г.
- Kazakhstan is open to Baltic entrepreneurs. The Open City” journal, Riga (Latvia), №8 (17) August 2011
- The evolution of the development of relations between Kazakhstan and the OSCE. “Public Administration and Civil Service» Journal of the APA under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, № 1, 2011
- Қазақстан және Шығыс Еуропа елдері ынтымақтастың негізгі бағыттарымен болашағы // Monograph. -Astana: Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2010.
- On the importance of good governance in the context of the international position of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Materials of the II Annual Academic Symposium on “Effective public administration. – Astana: APA under the President of Kazakhstan, 2010. – 26 November.
- Kazakhstan and the European Union: the way to a strategic partnership. APA journal under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Public Administration and Civil Service”, 2010, № 1.
- Kazakh-Polish relations. «REALIA» journal, Warsaw. 2010, № 2 (17).
- Kazakh-Czech relations. “Listy” journal of the University of Ostrava. 2010, № 1
- The formation of a multiparty system in Eastern Europe. “Bulletin” of the ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov. 2010, № 1 (74).
- Қазақстан және шығыс еуропа елдері: Негізгі бағыттары және ынтымақтастық басымдықтары Monography, Astana, 2010, 179 pp
- Американский фактор полiтико-системных перетворень у схiдноевропейському регiоні. Вiсник Киiвського мiжнародного университету – 2010 Issue 1.
- Influence of Russia on the geopolitical dynamics of the region of Eastern Europe. Naukovi note. National pedagogic uniiversity named after P. Dragomanov, 2010, № 84.
- The transformation of the security system in Eastern Europe. Naukovi note. National pedagogic uniiversity named after P. Dragomanov, 2010, № 85.
- Шығыс Еуропадағы саяси өзгерістер. Bulletin Kazazkh national university of international relations, “International Relations and International Law ” issue 2010, № 1 (7).
- Kazakhstan and the countries of Eastern Europe: main trends and prospects sotrudnichestva.- monograph, edited by the Public Administration Academy under the President of RK.- Astana 2008
Participation in research projects / grants: ECO research grants