Main dates for the 2024 additional admissions campaign

DIR-International Relations
DPА – Public Administration
DE – Economics
Public administration
- Methodology, technologies and development and change management methods in the field of state planning
- Appropriate quality of public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan: requirements of the XXI century and implementation models
- Instruments of participation, feedback and protection of the interests of citizens and business in public administration
- Decentralization of public administration system
- Project management and agile management technologies in public administration
- Innovative management technologies
- Development of tools and anticorruption mechanisms in public administration
- Public administration in the field of information technologies development
Civil service
- Organizational management/Organizational behavior
- Ethics of the civil servants of Kazakhstan / Culture of integrity of civil servants of Kazakhstan
- Upgrading the quality of personnel in public administration and improving the organization of their work
- Improvement of assessment system of civil servants performance
Public services
- Client-based public services delivery
National economy and
territorial economy
territorial economy
- Economy of the public sector of Kazakhstan
- State regulation of financial markets and investment activities
- Innovations in economics
- Economic development in new realities (2nd priority of the President’s Address to the People of Kazakhstan)
- City management
- Local government and autonomy
- Balanced territorial development (3d priority of the President’s Address to the People of Kazakhstan)
- Migration policy
International relations
- Bilateral relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with foreign countries (in all areas of international cooperation of Kazakhstan, including trade and economic, energy, military-technical, security etc.)
- Global and regional processes in modern international relations: the role and place of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Foreign policy strategies of the main international actors in relation to Kazakhstan
- International legal aspects of the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- National security problems of Kazakhstan in terms of external factors. Cooperation of Kazakhstan in the fight against security challenges and threats
- Integration processes in the Eurasian space
- Bilateral and multilateral cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the development of the export-import potential of the country’s regions, their integration ties and foreign economic interaction, innovation infrastructure, investment attraction, tourism and social sector development etc.