Who is the program for?
«Master of Public Policy» » with a training period of two years on the job:
- at the expense of state educational order, persons who, at the time of filing documents, are civil servants with at least two years of public service experience are allowed;
- at the expense of other sources of financing not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, persons with at least two years of general experience at the time of filing documents are allowed;
Features and benefits of the program:
- competence-based approach in teaching, practice and result-oriented learning through solving specific situations using interactive teaching methods;
- an interdisciplinary approach that provides an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in related fields;
- the possibility of practice and internships in government agencies of Kazakhstan and abroad;
- the possibility of obtaining a 2-degree education on the basis of the partner university School of Public Administration named of Mohamed Bin Rashida (UAE);
- implementation of a master’s project focused on solving urgent problems of the development of the public administration system;
- trilingual education: Kazakh, Russian, English. In-depth study of English and state languages aimed at developing critical thinking and communication skills;
- in case of successful completion of the course “Project Management”, the possibility of certification according to the National standard ISO 21500-2014 “Guidance on project management, IDT”;
- individual learning trajectory based on the results of competence assessment through the Assessment Center;
- involvement of leading lecturers-practitioners; “Visiting Professors” and high-level experts;
- development of social networking, interaction with civil servants from various ministries and departments, peer learning.
Appendix 1
to the Order of the Rector of the Academy of Public Administration
under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No.61
dated February 10, 2022
Rules of admission to the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The formation of the contingent of students is carried out at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred the Academy) on the principles of ensuring legality, transparency and openness.
The admission procedure is carried out both within the framework of the state educational order (hereinafter referred as the order), the administrator of the budget programs of which is the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs, and at the expense of individuals and legal entities or other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
These Rules of admission to the Academy (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed in accordance with the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, “On Public Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and other regulatory legal acts, the Charter of the Academy.
Admission of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who are civil servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to study under postgraduate education programs is carried out on a competitive basis within the framework of the state educational order, as well as at the expense of other sources of financing not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Admission of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign citizens who are not civil servants to study at the Academy according to postgraduate education programs is carried out on a paid basis.
Civil servants are allowed to participate in the competition for training within the framework of the state educational order for postgraduate education programs, taking into account the cumulative terms of training and subsequent working out, which do not exceed the retirement age established by law at the time of filing documents, as well as their occupation of a permanent full-time position in a state body.
The state body directs the recommended civil servant to study at the Academy according to postgraduate education programs at the expense of the state educational order.
The Academy trains personnel with postgraduate education, including within the framework of master’s degree programs on the principle of modular training combined with the main professional activity, in accordance with the Classifier of areas of training with higher and postgraduate education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 13, 2018 No.569, in the following areas:
- 7M031 Social Sciences;
- 7M041 Business and Management;
- 8D031 Social Sciences;
- 8D041 Business and Management.
To organize the reception of documents, conduct competitive selection and enrollment in the Academy, an Admission and Competitive Commissions are created annually, the composition of which is approved by the order of the Rector of the Academy. The commissions include representatives of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs, deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and maslikhats of cities and regions, public figures, representatives of state bodies, quasi-governmental and non-governmental organizations, national and international companies, universities and research institutions, Academy staff, as well as international experts.
The Admissions Committee operates throughout the admission campaign in accordance with the Regulations on the Admissions Committee for the selection of applicants to study at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Competitive commissions are created in the context of master’s and doctoral programs.
Acceptance of documents for training in master’s and doctoral programs is carried out through the information system of the Academy.
Every year from March 1 to July 23, applicants are registered in the information system of the Academy with the attachment of the following documents in electronic format: A reference statement of the state body, in the form according to Annex 1 to this order. Are not provided by persons applying for tuition on a paid basis.
-a copy of the identity document;
-a copy of the document on higher education with an appendix;
-QAZAQ RESMI TEST certificate (https://www.qrt.kz) or KAZTEST (http://kazakhtest.kz), confirming the level of proficiency in the state language not lower than B1, with the exception of foreign citizens;
– for civil servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan — a track record certified by the personnel service at the place of work; for other applicants – a document confirming employment;
-an electronic application signed with an electronic digital signature (EDS), foreign citizens print out the application generated in the Academy’s information system, sign it and upload a signed scanned version of the application
When registering in the Academy’s information system, the applicant signs the User Agreement and consent to the collection and processing of personal data
Educational documents issued by foreign educational organizations are recognized in accordance with the procedure established by law.
Documents in a foreign language are provided with a notarized translation into Kazakh or Russian.
Educational documents issued by foreign educational organizations undergo the procedure of recognition of educational documents in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan after enrollment of persons during the 1st (first) academic period of study.
Educational documents issued by foreign organizations of higher and/or postgraduate education, research centers and laboratories to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan – holders of the international scholarship “Bolashak” are recognized in the Republic of Kazakhstan without passing the recognition procedures of educational documents.
Educational documents issued by foreign educational organizations, including their branches, as well as scientific centers and laboratories, are recognized on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the issuance of a corresponding certificate to persons who have completed their studies in them.
List of basic requirements for applicants entering Master’s programs «Master of Public Policy» with a training period of two years of full-time:
– at the expense of individuals and legal entities or other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, persons with at least two years of general experience at the time of filing documents are allowed;
– at the expense of other sources of financing not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, persons with at least two years of general experience at the time of filing documents are allowed;
Persons who have been registered in the Academy’s information system and meet the requirements specified in paragraphs 10-16 of these Rules are allowed to participate in the competitive selection.
The competitive selection for admission to the Academy consists of the following stages:
The competitive selection consists of two stages for master’s degree programs of full-time training period of one and two years:
1) case solution;
2) interview in the state, Russian and English languages
According to the results of the competition, a ranked list of applicants is formed in the context of master’s and doctoral degree educational programs by the amount of points scored:
– by state educational order;
– at the expense of own or other sources of financing not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Applicants who have passed/have not passed the competitive selection are notified of admission/non-admission.
Applicants who have passed the competitive selection are pre-enrolled in the number of undergraduates and doctoral students in the context of educational programs and types of funding.
Applicants who have not passed the competitive selection and are not enrolled in the number of undergraduates / doctoral students under the state educational order are included in the waiting list in the context of master’s and doctoral degree educational programs in accordance with the points scored, approved by the Admissions Committee.
In case of refusal of a master’s student/ doctoral student from studying under a state educational order after the approval of the enrollment order, the master’s student/ doctoral student submits an appropriate application to the management of the Academy indicating consent to reimburse the funds actually spent on his training.
The applicant who follows the list of the waiting list with the highest score is credited to the vacant place no later than seven weeks from the start of training, with the exception of persons enrolled in master’s and doctoral programs at the expense of funding from other sources. These persons are excluded from the waiting list.
To enroll in the number of students, the applicant within ten working days from the date of acceptance of the order on preliminary enrollment provides to the Admission Committee of the Academy:
- documents according to the list specified in paragraph 10 of these Rules;
- a medical certificate in the form 075/u approved by the order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2020 No. KR DSM-175/2020;
- the original document of higher or postgraduate education with an appendix for verification, which is returned after verification;
- the original of the service record for civil servants, certified by the personnel service at the place of work, for other applicants — a document confirming employment;;
- a certificate from the place of work as of September 1 of the year of admission to the Academy, indicating the size of the official salary, category and length of service, according to Annex 2 to these Rules;
- a contract signed by the parties for the organization of training.
Applicants who have passed the competitive selection for training by the decision of the Admissions Committee are enrolled by the order of the Rector of the Academy, including:
-according to the state educational order in accordance with the tripartite agreement provided for by these Rules, no later than ten calendar days from the date of the announcement of the results of the competition;
- – at their own expense, subject to the conclusion of the contract provided for by these Rules, and payment in accordance with the terms of the contract;
- – at the expense of funds from other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, subject to the conclusion of the contract provided for by these Rules, in accordance with the terms of agreements concluded by the Academy with other organizations.
Enrollment in the number of students enrolled in postgraduate education programs (master’s degree, doctoral studies) is confirmed by a letter of enrollment.
Applicants who have not passed the competitive selection to study at the Academy are sent a written notification.