Retraining of civil servants – training courses to obtain additional professional knowledge.

Retraining of civil servants is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Public Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan” dated November 23, 2015 No. 416-V and the Rules for the Training, Retraining and Upgrade qualifications of Civil Servants, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 15, 2018 No. 125.

Retraining of persons who first entered the administrative public service of corp. “B” or civil servants who were appointed to a senior administrative position of corp. “B” is carried out at the Academy of Public Administration and its branches.

At the Academy of Public Administration, civil servants of corp. “B” groups of categories “A”, “B”, categories С-1, С-2, С-3, С-4, С-5, С-О-1, С-О-2, D-1, D-2, D-3, D-O-1, D-O-2, Е-1, Е-2, except the civil servants in the categories С-1, С-2, С-3, С-4, С-5, allowed retraining of civil servants in the branches of the Academy of Public Administration where government bodies located in a city of republican status.

In the branches of the Academy of Public Administration, civil servants of corp. “B” categories С-О-3, С-О-4, С-О-5, С-О-6, C-R-1, C-R-2, C-R-3, C-R-4, C-R-5, D-4, D-5, D-O-3, D-О-4, D-О-5, D-О-6, E-3, E-4, E-5, E-R-1, E-R-2, E-R-3, E-R-4, E-R-5, E-G-1, E-G-2, E-G-3, E-G-4 are retrained.

Civil servants are sent for retraining no later than six months from the date of appointment.

Civil servants who first entered the administrative civil service corp. “B” retraining in full-time and / or combined (on-site and distance learning) forms.

Civil servants appointed to a senior administrative position of corp. “B” retraining in full-time form.

The duration of retraining is at least 120 academic hours.

Civil servants who have successfully completed training are issued a document confirming the completion of retraining courses.

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