The Center:
The Center for Project Development in Public Management was established in accordance with the instructions of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan (minutes of the meeting of the National Commission for the Implementation of the Program for Modernization of Public Consciousness under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 26, 2017).The Center is the first state-owned enterprise in Kazakhstan that has been accredited for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO/IES 17024-2014 «Conformity assessment. General requirements for bodies conducting certification of personnel».The Center is a body for the certification of personnel and in accordance with the Charter of the Academy, carries out professional certification of personnel in the field of project management according to the National standard RK СТ ISO 21500-2014 «Project Management Guide». |
The goal:
to promote the effectiveness of government agencies and organizations through professional certification of personnel in required areas.
Objectives of the Center:
Development and implementation of effective personnel certification systems – creation and regular updating of certification programs that meet national and international standards, taking into account the needs of government agencies and organizations.
Assessment and confirmation of professional competence of specialists is the organization of objective procedures for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees in order to confirm their compliance with established qualification requirements.
Promoting the implementation of international standards and best practices in the management of government agencies and organizations – adapting and integrating international best practices into the practice of personnel certification to improve the quality of management and efficiency of government agencies and organizations
Candidate of Economic Sciences Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO, Accredited PRINCE2 trainer, PRINCE2 Practitioner, IPMA-C

PhD Expert-auditor on confirmation of conformity of personnel in the field of project management, Accredited PRINCE2 trainer, PRINCE2 Practitioner, IPMA-C, SCRUM-MASTER, P2M

Kuralay Sadykova
PhDTrainer-consultant according to the National standard СT-RK ISO in the field of project management (Astana)

Master of Economics and business , Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO

Master of Economic Sciences Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO, PRINCE2 Foundation

Doctor of Economic Sciences Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO, PRINCE2 Foundation

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Trainer-consultant according to the National Standards of the ST RK ISO in the field of project management, PRINCE2 Foundation, certified coach of the ICU

PhD Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO, PRINCE2 Foundation, SHL assessor

Candidate of Economic Sciences Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO

Master of Science in Teaching Trainer-consultant of the National Standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO

Candidate of Economic Sciences Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO, PRINCE2 Foundation

Candidate of Economic Sciences Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO, Accredited PRINCE2 trainer, PRINCE2 Practitioner

Master of Mathematics, Trainer-consultant on the National standards of ST RK ISO in the field of project management

Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO, PRINCE2 Foundation, Professional Coach ICU, Lead Auditor ISO 37001, Lead Implementer 37001
Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO, PRINCE2 Foundation, Professional Coach ICU, Lead Auditor ISO 37001, Lead Implementer 37001

Master of Economic Sciences, Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO

PhD in Pedagogy, Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO; PRINCE2 Foundation

Master of Economic Sciences, Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO

Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Trainer-consultant on the National standards of ST RK ISO in the field of project management

Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO; PRINCE2 Foundation
Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO; PRINCE2 Foundation

PhD in applied linguistics, Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO; PRINCE2 project manager, ISO 37001 certified auditor

Master of Humanitarian Sciences, Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO

Timur Junelbayev
(Aktobe region)
Trainer-consultant on national standards in the field of project management ISO ST RK, head of the project office (Aktobe region)

(Turkestan region)
Master in InformaticsSenior Lecturer of the branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Turkestan region (Turkestan region)
Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO

Rustam Mussa
(Aktobe region)
Master of Social sciences Coach-advisor in project management, ST RK ISO National standard (Aktobe region)

Master of Economic Sciences Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO, PRINCE2 Foundation, Lead Auditor ISO 37001

Master of Economics and business Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO

PhD Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO, PRINCE2 Foundation

Candidate of Economic Sciences Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO, PRINCE2 Foundation

Candidate of Economic Sciences Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO, Accredited PRINCE2 trainer, PRINCE2 Practitioner, SCRUM-Master, PECB certified leading specialist in the implementation of ISO 37001 "Anti Bribery management systems"

PhD in Psychology Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO, PRINCE2 Foundation

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO

PhD Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO

Master in Management Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO

Master of Pedagogical Sciences Trainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO; certificated assessors in Assessment Centre

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO

Master of Philological Sciences, Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO; ICU certified coach

Master of Economic Sciences, Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO

Master of Economic Sciences, Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO

Trainer-consultant of the National standards in the field of project management ST RK ISO; Coach in critical thinking through reading and writing

Akzada Madalieva
(Kyzylorda region)
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Trainer-consultant on national standards of ST RK ISO in Project Management; PRINCE2 Foundation, Implementation Manager/Internal Auditor of the Anti-Bribery Management System based on the ISO 37001:2016 standard (Kyzylorda region)

Almagul Ayaganova
(Kyzylorda region)
Candidate of Psychological SciencesAssociate Professor of the branch the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Kyzylorda region, trainer-consultant on the National Standards of ST RK ISO in the field of project management (Kyzylorda region)

Gulnara Isenova
(Pavlodar region)
Master of Economics Trainer consultant on the national standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan ISO in the field of project management, PRINCE 2, Lead Implementer and Lead Auditor of ISO 37001, professional (Pavlodar region)

Aigul Zhamantaeva
(North Kazakhstan region)
Master of EconomicsTrainer-consultant on the National standards of ST RK ISO in the field of project management (North Kazakhstan region)

Kaiyrzhanova Laura
(North Kazakhstan region)
Candidate of Biological Sciences, PhD ST RK ISO trainer-consultant on national standards in the field of Project Management; PRINCE2 Foundation; PECB Certified ISO 37001 Lead Implementer; PECB Certified ISO 37001 Lead Auditor (North Kazakhstan region)

Aigul Kuanysh
(Atyrau region)
Master of Economic SciencesHead of the Department of Culture, Language Development and Archival Affairs of Atyrau region. Trainer-consultant on the National standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan ST RK ISO in the field of project management, professional accountant of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (Atyrau region)

Kuralay Nurbek
Master of Political SciencesTrainer-consultant of the National standard in the field of project management ST RK ISO, certified assessor of the Assessment-Centre (Astana)
